Frequently Asked Questions - Students/Family

Student/Family - Frequently Asked Questions

I am not feeling well and am exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, what do I do?

If you are sick, stay home. Consult a medical professional as needed. If you choose to get tested, here are some testing options:

  • Barton County Health Department, call ahead for an appointment.

    • 15-minute rapid test & PCR test available

  • Univ. of KS Hospital, St. Rose Convenient Clinic

  • Heart of Kansas Healthcare - patients only

  • Clara Barton Hospital

  • Express Wellness

  • Walgreens

Can my student receive a vaccine for COVID-19?

Covid-19 Vaccinations are now fully approved and widely available for anyone 5 years old and above. The Covid-19 vaccine is an option for parents and families but is not required by USD 428. Please contact your child's primary care physician or the Barton County Health Department with any questions.

Boosters should also be considered for those who are 18 and older and received a vaccination 5+ months ago.

Barton County Health Department: 1300 Kansas Ave, Great Bend, KS · (620) 793-1902

Addressing Parent Questions About COVID Vaccines in Children

Preguntas de los padres sobre las vacunas COVID en niños

Should I get tested for COVID-19?

If you are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, you should not come to school/work. Please see the Self-Screen information for a list of COVID-19 symptoms. Testing is the decision of the employee. The district, in most cases, will not mandate testing for an employee. If you choose to get tested, notify your supervisor to let them know while you await test results.

Notify your school of ALL POSITIVE TESTS.

If you choose to get tested, here are some testing options:

  • Barton County Health Department - 15 min. rapid test and PCR tests available, please call 620-793-1902 to schedule. Clinic Times

  • Univ. of KS Hospital, St. Rose Convenient Clinic

  • Heart of Kansas Healthcare - patients only

  • Clara Barton Hospital

  • Express Wellness

  • Walgreens

My student (or someone in our household) tested positive for COVID-19, what do I do next?

Anyone testing positive for COVID should remain out of school for *five (5) calendar days following onset of symptoms and be fever free for 72 hours without fever-reducing medication - whichever is longer.

Family members who are exhibiting NO SYMPTOMS can attend school.

Our family (student, parent, sibling, etc) is waiting for test results. What do we need to do?

If you, your student, or someone in your household is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and have been tested, all members of your household who have symptoms should stay home until the results are received.

  • If results are positive - the positive individual, and those who have symptoms, should remain out of school for *five (5) calendar days following onset of symptoms and be fever free for 72 hours without fever-reducing medication - whichever is longer.

  • If results are negative - you and your family members can return to work/school as long as they are symptom-free

How do I know if I am a “close contact?”

You are a "close contact" if any of the following situations happened while you spent time with a person with has COVID-19 (and 48 hours prior to their symptoms developing):

  • Were within 3 feet of the person for 10 cumulative minutes or more within a 24 hour period

  • Had contact with the person's respiratory secretions (for example, coughed or sneezed on; kissed; contact with a dirty tissue; shared a drinking glass, food, towels, or other personal items)

  • Live with the person or stayed overnight for at least one night in a house with the person

Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 18, our district will no longer notify families whose child may have been in contact, through classroom or extracurricular settings, with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.