Community Resources

Counseling / Mental Health

Mental Health & Crisis Hotline, Suicide Prevention: Dial 988 from any cell phone or landline

Free Kansas Crisis Counseling Program for COVID-19: - 1-800-273-8255

Programa de Asesoramiento de Crisis por COVID-19 de Kansas  - 1-800-273-8255

Someone to Talk to

Emergency Support

 Call ‘211’ for Help - “211” is a 24hour hotline provided through the United Way. The hotline can answer questions about local resources for emergency situations for anyone in need. Simply dial ‘211’ from any landline or cell phone, after providing your zip code you’ll be connected with local resources.

Barton County Emergency Aid – Rent/Utility Assistance, MWF  8:30 – 11:30, (620) 793-3345, 

Someone to Talk to

Health and Nutrition

Barton County Food Bank – Families or individuals in need are invited to call the Barton County Health Department at (620) 792-4001. Appointments are available for drive-thru pick-up. The Barton County Food Bank is located at 3007 10th St, Great Bend, KS 67530.

USD 428 Free & Reduced Meal Program - More information can be found on the USD 428 Food Service webpage. Applications for free or reduced meals should be completed during the enrollment process. 

Housing / Homelessness / Relocation Information

Support for Homeless Students - McKinney-Vento Act

Is your housing uncertain? Do you live at a temporary address? 

You have important school rights.

To be eligible for additional services: a family or student must have lost their housing due to a hardship which could look like "couch surfing" or doubling up with another family, living in a hotel or motel, or living in a shelter or transitional housing. It might also be living in a space that was not designed to be a home such as a car, bus campground, etc. 

Contact your building principal or Mckinney-vento liaison, JoAnn Blevins, 620-793-1500, for help. 

Click Here to learn more.

Kansas Eviction Prevention Program (KEPP) Rent Assistance Program - The State of Kansas has established a fund to help prevent evictions during COVID-19. Through a joint application between a landlord and tenant, tenants are eligible for up to nine months of assistance, not to exceed $5,000 per household. Applications will be approved within the order they are received. 

Relocation Information -

Internet - Connectivity

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a U.S. government program run by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program to help low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet. Click here to learn more about eligibility and apply today!

Parent Support and Resources

1-800-Children Call Line & Resource Directory

1-800-Children is a 24/7 parenting support line to aid in connecting parents to information, local resources, and supports when they need them. During the day staff answer and help connect to services, at night it is run by trained volunteers. 

We are in your corner!

What support or advice can we offer in this moment? 

What support or resources could be helpful moving forward? 

Can we follow up to ensure you found what you need?

Powered by the Kansas Children's Service League